Ok so I am blogging about the issue of Activist judges who overturn the will of the people for their own self-serving political views. This is not as much about the homosexual issue as it is about judges who are supposed to uphold the laws and not overturn them because he believes differently. One has to wonder why this ruling didn't come sooner.
Although I think I know why. There had to be a case before the court which could set a precedent and give a judge an opportunity to decide. Without a case, a judge cannot just arbitrarily decided to overturn a law. But this trial was much like any gateway trial in this country when it comes to a civil rights issue.
The Scopes trial in the 1920s had John Scopes, a science teacher and believer in evolution, step up as a scapegoat for the ACLU to try and overturn a law against teaching only "creation" in schools. They also picked the state where it would be most contentious, Tennessee, and set about to turn the nation on its head.
Eventually, evolution won out and was taught in the schools, but a rather peculiar twist occured as a result. From the moment evolution was taught in public schools, it started a revolution which has elevated "evolution" to more fact than theory even though none of it can be proven on a macrobiotic scale.
Homosexuality is not only sinful, it is an abomination or perversion. Romans 1:18-32 speaks clearly enough about it, but there are other passages in scripture, all of which speak of it as evil.
These people want the right to not only be joined together legally (civil union) but also to use the term "Marriage" to describe it. Marriage is the union between Man and Woman according to scripture. It is the only union favored by God. We know, however, that mankind is evil and does not care what God favors. This nation, once a Christian majority has gone to an agnostic or atheistic majority.
Colleges and Universities are in large part to blame for the way our society has become. They teach a liberal politic and seek to undermine the conservative values of our young people. They constantly put down religion and God as myth rather than fact and replace it with the idea that only science can give us the answers about the earth and universe and Mankind.
As Christians, we must fight this and proclaim the truth. Strengthen the resolve of our children as they go off to college so that they can stand against the lies of the liberal left and hopefully one day defeat them and bring back laws that prohibit sinful behavior such as gay marriage. I'm not saying we push the people who claim their gay pride back into the closet, but to proclaim Christ as the salvation we all need and call for repentance of their sin and of all sin.