July 19, 2006


In 1974, all but 5 professors and a small handful of students remained on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The rest left and formed a seminary in exile which became known as "Seminex". In 1977, Professor Dr. Kurt Marquardt wrote a book for the Concordia Theological Quarterly which detailed events leading up to the walk-out and the walk-out itself. It is a compelling story and when I finish reading the book I will be writing a review here. If you get a chance to read it you may want to have a blog discussion with me on the topic. I think it is worth looking at considering the ramifications Seminex seems to be having on our Synod today.

July 03, 2006


The 4th of July couldn't have come at a more opportune time for many of us in Dr. Gieschen's summer greek class. We have been going non-stop for the past 3 weeks and have taken quizzes on chapters 1-10. We have tomorrow off, but the only break any of us will probably take is for our July 4th picnic at the Seminary. A few hours of jovial fellowship where we don't even think about Greek will be a welcome time. I wonder if Martin Luther ever had it this tough? I think he probably did and even tougher but then he headed for the Boar's Head Tavern for some good brew and theology talk.

We have so much more to learn yet, but there are times when many of us feel like we have too much in our brains already and need to release the pressure in our brains from so much information. God gave us the sabbath to rest ourselves from our labor. We need to find sabbath where and when we can so that we can revive ourselves and continue on with our work. Take some time tomorrow also to pray for your nation's leaders and for the soldiers that are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Also take some time to share the Good news of Jesus Christ with someone who needs to hear it.

God Bless us through his Son Jesus Christ.