January 30, 2006


Beyond the Gates of Splendor is the story of Nate Saint and four other missionaries who were killed by members of the Waodani tribe in the jungle of Ecuado on the Amazon Basin on January 8, 1956. This movie is based on that story.

I wasn't sure what I would see when watching this movie, though I had read some background a few months ago on a website. It is a heart-wrenching story that shows that we can not judge someone for their actions and if we truly understand God's ways must not judge them at all but forgive them and point them to Christ on the Cross and then Christ in the Grave and finally Christ is risen.

The movie centers itself on Nate Saint and family. His son Steve is the one telling the story of how his father and four other missionaries were trying to break the barriers with a tribe in Ecuador known as the Waodani. This tribe was very egalitarian in nature and was at war with their own people. Each tribe would go off killing the members of another tribe. There was never more than two generations alive at any time. These missionaries landed on a strip one day and were approached by some of the Waodani (Auca) tribe. There was no understand of language by the other tribe but things seemed to go well. The Waodani went back into the woods and the next day they came back and attacked the missionaries and killed them all. Just as Nate Saint lay dying with a spear in his midsection he looked up at the warrior who had speared him and uttered a phrase his son told him just before he left. Boo-ah Bee-ah awoomba. Which in Waodani means "I want to be your friend".

I don't know if this was part of the true story or not because this movie is only based on the book "Beyond the Gates of Splendor". But the look in the warriors face after Nate said this was very telling.

The rest of the movie is about how the wives of the missionaries went into the jungle and lived with the Waodani and instead of getting revenge they forgave these natives and taught them about Waegongi (God). The final scenes involve Steve and Mincayani who take a boat down the river to an island and while there Mincayani digs up the plane of Nate Saint and reveals in his native tongue that he was the one who speared Steve's dad Nate. Mincayani took the spear and with the sharp end pointing at him gave it to Steve. Steve who seemed to be enraged told Mincayani that it was not he that took his father's life, but that his father gave his life for Mincayani and his people. It was at this scene that I lost it. Because it is just like Jesus who did not lose his life by the Romans and Jewish leaders, but gave it of His own will by the devine will of His Father in heaven for all of us.

This is how we should go about being missionaries to those we witness to. Be willing to give your life as Christ gave his to share the Gospel in the only way that some can possibly understand the nature of God's word through death.

I encourage you to check out this movie. There is no denomination mentioned in this story which I think is good because it is not about Lutheran truth or Methodist truth or Baptist truth or Catholic truth. This is about God's truth.

There is one caveat, though I think it a small one, but still one that should be explained. The characters of Nate Saint and his son Steve as an adult are played by Actor Chad Allen. Allen was a child actor in many sitcoms and shows in the 80s and who came out of the closet as a gay man. He is an advocate for gay rights especially marriage. When he was cast for the parts the information about his being gay was not known to the director Mart Green or Steve Saint. There is a couple of articles on this at this site: http://www.sharperiron.org/showthread.php?t=2349.

As you will read there was much speculation as to whether to let Chad Allen go or to keep him on as the homosexual lifestyle was not congruent with either Steve Saint or his father Nate.
In the end of course, Chad did play the parts as he was hired to do. I think Chad Allen did a remarkable job and who knows except God and Chad what impact playing these parts had on Chad's life. He certainly knows that they were uncomfortable with his lifestyle choice, but he is a professional actor and it did not come through in his portrayal of these parts.

I am anxious to get the documentary on this story as well as read the book. Missionary life is intriguing to me as I hope someday soon to be one.

I think that we should continue to pray that whatever seed the Lord planted in Chad Allen becomes very fruitful in his life and reveals to him who Jesus Christ really is and what he did for Chad as well as all of us sinners.

January 18, 2006


Tonight my men's bible study will begin a study titled MEN IN THE CHURCH. It is put out by Concordia Publishing House. I am looking forward to this study as I am hoping to show that God meant for men to be the leaders in the church as well as the Spiritual leaders in the home.

I will be posting my thoughts here in the weeks to come of what this study has helped me to learn or has either changed my views or solified my present view. I do not expect comments, but will welcome them.

Pax Christi
Scott Strohkirch a.k.a. Spalatin

January 16, 2006

This past week I helped my two little girls celebrate their birthdays. My oldest turned nine-years old on January 15th and my youngest turned six on January 11th. My oldest of course has her birthday on Martin Luther King Jr day. Granted he is a very celebrated man in this country because he led the way in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and was martyred allegedy by James Earl Ray. Ray admitted to the killing at first, but later retracted his confession saying he was "duped" into it by some other people.

I don't wish to take away from the celebration of this day by many black people or minorities, but it isn't a holiday that I celebrate. Mostly because I am not black. Don't get me wrong I support those who celebrate the holiday because it is important that we don't discriminate against people because of race in this country. But I don't take the day off from work for it or go to any civil rights rallies or anything like that. I would rather celebrate my daughters' birthdays because they is more important to me as far as anything that has happened in my life to date. They mean much more to me than anything in this world.

I respect those who fight for what they believe in and when they win they should celebrate. However, is the fight for civil rights complete in this country? I am not totally convinced. I believe that when we stop looking at the color of one's skin completely we will have won. In many ways we are still so far off from victory. Even those in the Civil Rights movement would agree. We have won some important battles but the war rages onward.

Martin Luther strived for more Christian Freedom and that was the struggle he fought from Wittenburg to Augsburg.

Let Freedom Ring

January 04, 2006

This next Sunday I begin teaching my first Sunday School class as a solo teacher. My class will comprise about 6 7th and 8th graders. Now these are the kids who have begun confirmation classes this past fall on Wednesday nights. I realize that I will have some input as to what these kids learn about Jesus and God. I will also be able to share with them the importance of the Lutheran Confessions in their lives.

When I was going through confirmation some 30 years ago I vaguely remember going through the 10 commandments from Luther's Small Catechism. The Pastor and teacher of my confirmation class had typed up a study sheet for us so that we could learn them as well as some key bible verses that we needed to know. I am thinking that I will have them get to know their Catechism booklet a little more. It will be a good review for them when they get to their final year. By the way, catechesis is not just a 2 or 3 year program that the church sets up to graduate children. Catechism is a life-long learning experience that starts out with the parents teaching their children about God, Jesus and the word. Parents should teach their children about Baptism and the Sacrament of the Altar at a young age.

When I went through "confirmation" many of those who went through the class with me left the church afterwards and never returned. They treated it like graduation instead of just another step in understanding their relationship to a loving God. If we don't properly catechize our children they won't stick around afterwards. We need to begin a habit of going to church and sunday school on a regular basis teaching our children that there is no "choice" of going or not going to church. When on vacation we need to find a church to attend so that they will see how serious we need to be to go to church to receive God's blessings.

I hope that these students I have will walk away at the end of this season with a new understanding of what the liturgy is all about as well as a desire to read and get to know the Scriptures and how the Lutheran Confessions is scriptural.

With the help of God will I do this and nothing else.

Pax Christi