October 02, 2006
September 11, 2006
For the record I am taking classes this quarter on New Testament Bible, Christian Dogmatics, Liturgics, Gospels and New Testament Greek readings as well as beginning my field work in a church near Fort Wayne.
Oh yeah on Saturday the 9th, I celebrated 45 years of life and on October 8th I will celebrate 45 years of regenerated life. God through his Son Jesus Christ has richly blessed me even though I don't deserve any blessing. Please keep all seminarians at CTS and CSL in your prayers. Satan will be doing his best to undermine our studies over the next 4 years.
God Bless
Scott Strohkirch
September 06, 2006
Millions of Crocodile Hunter fans are mourning the death of Steve Irwin this week. Though I have never been a big fan of his show over the years I could not help but think of the passion that Steve Irwin felt for these animals. Most of the animals he worked with were dangerous carnivores who saw him as lunch but that did not deter Mr. Irwin from getting into the area in which they roamed. I think the reason it is hard for me is that Steve Irwin and I are the same age and when someone who is the same age dies it makes you face a little of your own mortality.
I mentioned that Steve Irwin displayed a passion for the animals and I am sure that he felt the same of the stingray that pierced his heart and took his life. Christ had passion for us his people and we did to Christ what the stingray did to Mr. Irwin. I don't know if Mr. Irwin was a Christian or not. I hope that he was and I pray that he knew and loved his savior Jesus Christ and that he is in heaven with him. I hope that after I meet my Lord in Heaven that Steve Irwin is also there and shouts out "crikey".
Mr. Irwin will be missed by all of us because his passion was contagious and his legacy will hopefully live on in those zooligists who saw what Steve Irwin brought to the job daily. His children and wife will miss him most of all because they were able to know him beyond his fame and fortune as the "Croc' Hunter". My heart goes to them most of all because the grieving for them will last a lifetime.
Most of all I hope that we can all show passion in the vocation to which we serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Mr. Irwin and Thank you Jesus.
September 02, 2006
With Summer Greek out of the way I can focus on other classes though I will be using my Greek quite a bit more than other students in the past have done. Concordia Theological Seminary has re-designed their curriculum to include a more thorough use of the Greek language than it did before. We will also be using hermeneutics throughout our coursework.
I will have 14 credits this fall quarter so I will not be here as much if at all. I have also taken leave of the forums I have been acquainted with for the past 4 years. I look forward to the challenges that God has in store for me here at the sem.
Above all pray for us who are just beginning this trek.
Pax Christi
Scott Strohkirch
August 20, 2006
I just finished watching The Passion of the Christ for the 5th time and again was amazed at how this movie was able to depict the last 12 hours of Christ's life. When the movie came out in 2004 it was amid much controversy. The Jewish community accused Mr. Gibson of anti-semitism and felt his movie depicted a negative attitude towards them. Is this accusation legitimate? If we look at the story one could easily see that they have a good point. But you can't change history and I suppose some jews could read this and think that I too am anti-semitic when that is very far from the truth.
Mr. Gibson did not help his cause when he was pulled over for driving while under the influence and was recorded by police to have said some very unflattering things about the Jews during his arrest. The next day Mr. Gibson gave an apology which many thought was short on sincerity. A couple of days later he gave another apology which seemed to reach out more to the Jewish community and offer some hope that the differences between them could be bridged and there could be some genuine healing. Some of Mel's co-stars from his movies have even come out to defend his name. Jodie Foster being among the bigger names. Some of his Jewish friends even came to his defense.
Then there are those who doubt very seriously that Mel was sincere in either of his public apologies. Kirk Douglas thought the second apology was more of an afterthought done to control the damage. Now Mel has pleaded no contest and has checked himself into a rehab clinic.
I don't believe he is anti-semitic. I do believe he has a problem that he needs to deal with head on. I don't think that having this problem excuses his actions and words on the night of his arrest. None of us has excuse to tear one another down. I believe that if Mel Gibson is truly Christian that he is forgiven by the Lord and Savior himself. It is known that in the movie it is Mel's hand that we see driving the nail in Christ's hand.
We may as well put ourselves in that role as we are all guilty of Christ's crucifixion, but the end result is what is important here. Christ came to earth for the very purpose of dying with the weight of the world's sin rested upon him and he gave up his spirit when the time came. We did not take his life from. He gave it for us. Mel, if ever you read this know that you are forgiven your sins by the blood of the lamb of God shed for the remission of sin.
August 18, 2006
The neat thing, I think, is that starting with the fall quarter I will be studying the Greek text of the new testament with many of the guys I was in class with. I hope that Tom Bartsch is in one of my classes because this guy was the tops in the class. If your not good at something, hang around those who are and hopefully learn something about how to study from them. Congratulations Tom! His brother Jim is no slouch either. I graded one of Jim's quizzes and he did pretty well. See you guys in a few weeks.
For all those people who were praying for me I thank you very much for those prayers you sent on my behalf. He must have heard them because he enabled me to do well enough to pass the class.
August 12, 2006
August 06, 2006
1. One Book that changed your life:
The Book of Concord after of course the Holy Bible
2. One book you've read more than once:
Luther, The Reformer by James Kittelson
3. One book you'd want on a desert island:
4. One book that made you laugh:
5. One book that made you cry:
6. One book that you wish had been written:
God's guide to perfect parenting: A supplement.
7. One book that you wish had never been written:
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
The fact that Christians in some Lutheran Churches bought into this drivel bothers me greatly. It is bad enough that American Evangelical churches followed this pattern. Lutherans should stay away from Fad-driven ideals.
8. One book you're currently reading:
Anatomy of an Explosion by Kurt Marquardt
9. One book you've been meaning to read:
St. Augustine's Confession (started it, but haven't finished it yet)
10. Now tag three people.
Richard Shields
Michael Scheuermann
Sandra Ostapowich
July 19, 2006
In 1974, all but 5 professors and a small handful of students remained on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The rest left and formed a seminary in exile which became known as "Seminex". In 1977, Professor Dr. Kurt Marquardt wrote a book for the Concordia Theological Quarterly which detailed events leading up to the walk-out and the walk-out itself. It is a compelling story and when I finish reading the book I will be writing a review here. If you get a chance to read it you may want to have a blog discussion with me on the topic. I think it is worth looking at considering the ramifications Seminex seems to be having on our Synod today.
July 03, 2006
The 4th of July couldn't have come at a more opportune time for many of us in Dr. Gieschen's summer greek class. We have been going non-stop for the past 3 weeks and have taken quizzes on chapters 1-10. We have tomorrow off, but the only break any of us will probably take is for our July 4th picnic at the Seminary. A few hours of jovial fellowship where we don't even think about Greek will be a welcome time. I wonder if Martin Luther ever had it this tough? I think he probably did and even tougher but then he headed for the Boar's Head Tavern for some good brew and theology talk.
We have so much more to learn yet, but there are times when many of us feel like we have too much in our brains already and need to release the pressure in our brains from so much information. God gave us the sabbath to rest ourselves from our labor. We need to find sabbath where and when we can so that we can revive ourselves and continue on with our work. Take some time tomorrow also to pray for your nation's leaders and for the soldiers that are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Also take some time to share the Good news of Jesus Christ with someone who needs to hear it.
God Bless us through his Son Jesus Christ.
June 18, 2006
Hopefully the second quiz on Tuesday will not be too difficult and of course if I study properly it should be easy (shh don't tell Dr. Gieschen I said that) Pray for us Greek geeks that we are able to learn the language as well as have fun with it.
God Bless!
June 12, 2006
Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless this time of studying your word in it's original language. Guide me to an understanding of your word so that one day I may use it to teach all nations as you have commanded.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour
June 02, 2006
It is fitting and proper that I named this blog "The Spirit is Willing; the flesh is weak." Right now my flesh is very weak and I need a Spiritual Booster shot this weekend. Since we are not likely to attend church on Sunday morning because of the move, we will likely have to find a church that will be doing communion on Saturday night. Next week will have me unpacking boxes and putting stuff away. This will be a daunting task.
Please keep me and my family in your prayers through out this next week as we get settled in our new house. Also keep my wife in your prayers that her patience will not run out with her employer.
Pax Christi
Scott Strohkirch
May 21, 2006
We attended Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Garrett, IN. They had a Sunday School at 8:45 followed by Service at 10. We thoroughly enjoyed both and meeting the people from the church. Pastor Jeff Horn is a good servant of God and his message was solid.
May 02, 2006
Today is in effect my new Confirmation day. Wow! when I think back at the beginning of all this I can't believe that we are finally at the finality of it all. This will change my whole life.
For many young people this next couple of weeks will be a time of reaffirmation of faith. They will tell everyone in their confirmation that they believe in one-baptism for the remission of sins. That is what Confirmation is all about, giving affirmation that you now believe that your baptism was done by God. That through his word and the water you were saved (1 Ptr 3:22)
I know that I have much to learn at sem. Satan doesn't want me there and he will do all he can to disrupt my learning process. But I have an ace in the hole. I have Jesus Christ the Son of God on my side. I ask all who read this to pray everyday that God will give me strength that day to get through whatever obstacles Satan tries to put in my way. Pray that God will open my ears to learn, but at the same to measure what I hear against his word.
Soli Deo Gloria
April 20, 2006
All my adult life I have been in and out of debt. My most recent step out of it was just last week. We sold our house and moved into a hotel for a few weeks. The equity we made on the sale has gone to pay off the credit cards, overdraft protection, my wife's vehicle, and my mother who gave us a loan a couple of years ago to try to get out then, but due to some financial pressures we got back in trouble right away again.
This time we intend to stay out. I have all the best intentions, but my intentions are really not very good considering my past history. Everytime I go into something with good intentions it always fails. That is why I am glad that God does not look at my intentions for saving me. He sent his son to die so that I don't have to rely on my intentions to save me. Where my intentions are good, my will gets in the way and subverts my intentions. But Jesus died for me despite my intent and will.
Only with God's help can we expect to stay on top of our spending habits. We can't rely on our good intent to keep us out of debt. Sooner or later we will fail on our intentions if we allow our will to do what it pleases.
Luther's small catechism says it best when explaining the third article of the Apostle's creed
I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Ghost has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith; even as He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith; in which Christian Church He forgives daily and richly all sins to me and all believers, and at the last day will raise up me and all the dead, and will give to me and to all believers in Christ everlasting life. This is most certainly true.
I think this says a lot about how we can't do it without him. We need him for everything.
Don't rely on your intentions even when they are good ones. You will fail and that is guaranteed. Rely instead on Christ.
Proverbs 3:5-6 say: 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
April 14, 2006
The last few days my wife and I have been packing all our belongings in a big trailer and throwing out almost as much as we packed. We are now testing our family resolve in a small hotel room for the next few weeks. If we can live in a 150 sq foot hotel room for that long we will be able to stand the test of seminary life.
I pray that God will bring a job to my wife so that we can move soon.
April 06, 2006
1) How many Bibles in your home?
Well we are packing things away, but I would say 6 or 7.
2) What rooms are they in?
Well right now I have two in my truck and one in a box in the basement and the rest are packed away ready for our move.
3) What translations do you have?
Mostly NIV, but I do have my Baptismal bible which is a KJV.
4) Do you have a preference?
Actually I would like to pick up an ESV and a Becks if they are still around.
5) Nominate an interesting verse.
That is tough because I have a whole bunch of favorites
I think the one that intrigues me most is Galations 2:20 which reads
20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Equally intriguing is the next verse: 21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"
these two verses explain how the life we live now is totally because of Christ in us and that Grace trumps law.
I learned this verse about 20 years ago when I was going through an identity crisis. It helped identify with Christ as my Lord and savior. Now I pass it on.
I tag SandraO of Madre's Missives
April 04, 2006
I will still blog occasionally on this, but I am going to direct my blogs toward sharing God's word with people who may come to read my blog.
One of the things I was able to pick up at the bookstore on the campus of CTS was a new edition of Luther's Small Catechism. One of the areas that I have been drawn to is the section on "Daily Prayers". Each time that I went to Chapel during my visit, depending on the time of day, we said the Daily Prayer for that time. The morning prayer goes like this.
I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ,
Your dear Son, that you have kept me this night from all harm
and danger; and I pray that you keep me this day
also from every sin and evil, that all my doings and life
may please you. For into Your Hand I commend myself,
my body and soul and all things. Let your Holy angel be with
me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen
The Evening Prayer is similar to the Morning Prayer
I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ,
Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day;
and I pray that You will forgive me all my sins where I have
done wrong, and graciously keep me this night.
For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul and
all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may
have no power over me. Amen.
Luther gives these prayers to us (men/father's particularly) to teach our children.
Being that I am Lutheran, I grew up with this table prayer:
Come Lord Jesus, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blest, Amen.
Luther's Small Catechism has us learning this prayer instead
Lord God, heavenly Father, bless us and these your gifts which we receive
from Your bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ , our Lord. Amen.
Sounds like the prayer that my Roman Catholic friends grew up saying. Of course they crossed themselves before and after the prayer. Over the past few years, I have taken to crossing myself in the name of the Triune God. With the sign of the cross I am reminded of what was done for me on the Cross by Christ and then I also am reminded of one God existing in three persons.
Crossing oneself is not a requirement it is an adiaphoron (ah dee ah fron) the root of this word is "Adiaphora" and it mean something that is neither commanded, nor forbidden by scripture.
Also praying does not mean that we have to recite a specific prayer, but if you look at these prayers you will see the model of the Lord's prayer being used. You can pray these prayers or you can just pray to God ex corde' (from the heart) but at all costs Pray!
March 23, 2006
Back in September, my wife and I put our house on the market. My wife had lost her job due to a bout with pneumonia and having been employed for less than a year she was not protected by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). She had wanted to be a stay at home mother and so her heart was not in going back anyways.
We realized that because we didn't have her income any longer that we would not be able to afford the mortgage payments on our house any longer. So we borrowed some money from her parents and got our house fixed up to sell. We officially put our home on the market in September which is now 6 plus months ago. This was about the same time that the housing market went down.
We had many showings, but no one was buying. We didn't understand why God wasn't sending us a buyer. In October, our church had some guests from LCMS World Missions. The presentation on Missions was very compelling and we thought about and then applied to be career missionaries. We were excited about the prospect of living in another country and being God's instruments of the Word to those who need to hear it. LCMS World Missions told us that it would be after the beginning of the year before we would hear anything as the missions need to send in their budgetary needs before anyone would be placed. So we waited...
While we waited for a call I began considering other alternatives. I considered that when we got our call that we would do this for 5 years and then come back and I would be ready to go into the seminary. I didn't hear anything from LCMS World Missions that was pointing us in any direction so I began looking into the qualifications of getting into the Seminary. I filled out my application as did those who were my references. I set up my District interview and signed up for the Spring Invitational Campus visit at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Here is where God's timing becomes clear. My wife had been talking with a real estate agent down in Fort Wayne to line up some showings of homes for us while we were there. We started out on Tuesday night from St. Paul, Minnesota and drove to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and stay overnight at my sister's place. The next morning we took off from her house and arrived in Fort Wayne at 5:00 EST. I went into the admissions office to register me and my family for the event and they said that we had a message to call our real estate agent. I thought they were talking about the one my wife had contacted in Fort Wayne, but they added the words "you have an offer on your house." Right then I knew that it was our real estate agent Elaine in Minnesota that had left the message.
We received the purchase agreement by fax and signed and initialed where needed and re-faxed back.
I saw this as God's perfect timing as this couldn't have been staged any better. We now have two-and-a-half weeks to have a Garage sale, pack and close on the house. My prayer now is that God gives me the strength.
This was an answer to prayer that my wife and I had looked for over six months to receive and he chose the time and place for it to happen. The rest of that week was just as fantastic and further confirmed the direction he has me traveling. Further proof that God answers prayers in the affirmative.
March 20, 2006
Tomorrow evening my family and I will begin our trek to Fort Wayne, IN for the Spring Invitational Campus Visitation. To say that I am excited about this is an understatement.
On the trip we will be visiting my Sister and her family in Milwaukee, WI. We have not seen them since Christmas and we miss seeing my nephews. The next morning we will depart Milwaukee for Fort Wayne and will be going through Chicago area and finally into Indiana. This trip will have us looking into housing, employment for my wife as well as taking part in the many activities that will be going on at the Seminary.
I am particularly looking forward to sitting in on a few classes and get a feel for what I am about to embark on during my stay. I look forward to sharing photos and insights upon my return next Sunday.
Pax Christi,
Scott Strohkirch
March 08, 2006
A few weeks ago I wrote here that I was considering going to Seminary at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I have taken the step of sending in my application and will be attending the Spring Invitational at the seminary in two-weeks. I am very excited about this as it will be a chance to meet some of those students that will be ahead of me in class and those that will be with me as well.
If accepted, I will be one of the older people in the classes at 45 years of age. I have not attended a college class since 1995 when I finished by studies for my Baccalaureate in Public Policy and Business Economics. I didn't think I would ever consider going back again, but God in his mercy has a sense of humor and is putting me through the paces.
Before I can go though there are some huge hurdles that must be jumped. Selling our house in Apple Valley, MN. We have lived here for almost 3-years. It is paramount that we sell the house within the next month and close almost as quickly. I must also apply for financial aids to be able to pay for school. We must find adequate and affordable housing in Fort Wayne and find good schools for our girls and last but not least my wife must find full-time employment to be able to support us through the next few years.
I ask all who read this to become prayer warriors over the next few weeks where my family is concerned. Pray that the trip to Fort Wayne is both safe and successful and that all the other hurdles have been cleared. It is a trying time, but I have faith that God will listen to our prayers.
I will keep you abreast of the situation as it progresses.
Pax Christi
February 17, 2006
A few months back, My wife and I applied to be career missionaries with LCMS World Missions. I thought it might be a great way to get out and practice my faith as I have received it from the Holy Spirit. Matt. 28:19 tells us to go into the world and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This also would be a chance for me to determine if going to the seminary was where God was eventually leading me.
The last few weeks have made me consider that I should maybe go to seminary earlier than planned. I sent an email on Tuesday and by Thursday I had received my package of Seminary information and the application to the school. My wife says that she is behind me and that I should go for this. My biggest concern has been finances and housing. But those are things I need to give to the Lord to take care of and just go forward.
I ask for your prayers as I go forward. Petition the Lord as to his will for my life and that the direction he is pointing me to is one that I will be able to handle.
Peace in Christ
January 30, 2006
Beyond the Gates of Splendor is the story of Nate Saint and four other missionaries who were killed by members of the Waodani tribe in the jungle of Ecuado on the Amazon Basin on January 8, 1956. This movie is based on that story.
I wasn't sure what I would see when watching this movie, though I had read some background a few months ago on a website. It is a heart-wrenching story that shows that we can not judge someone for their actions and if we truly understand God's ways must not judge them at all but forgive them and point them to Christ on the Cross and then Christ in the Grave and finally Christ is risen.
The movie centers itself on Nate Saint and family. His son Steve is the one telling the story of how his father and four other missionaries were trying to break the barriers with a tribe in Ecuador known as the Waodani. This tribe was very egalitarian in nature and was at war with their own people. Each tribe would go off killing the members of another tribe. There was never more than two generations alive at any time. These missionaries landed on a strip one day and were approached by some of the Waodani (Auca) tribe. There was no understand of language by the other tribe but things seemed to go well. The Waodani went back into the woods and the next day they came back and attacked the missionaries and killed them all. Just as Nate Saint lay dying with a spear in his midsection he looked up at the warrior who had speared him and uttered a phrase his son told him just before he left. Boo-ah Bee-ah awoomba. Which in Waodani means "I want to be your friend".
I don't know if this was part of the true story or not because this movie is only based on the book "Beyond the Gates of Splendor". But the look in the warriors face after Nate said this was very telling.
The rest of the movie is about how the wives of the missionaries went into the jungle and lived with the Waodani and instead of getting revenge they forgave these natives and taught them about Waegongi (God). The final scenes involve Steve and Mincayani who take a boat down the river to an island and while there Mincayani digs up the plane of Nate Saint and reveals in his native tongue that he was the one who speared Steve's dad Nate. Mincayani took the spear and with the sharp end pointing at him gave it to Steve. Steve who seemed to be enraged told Mincayani that it was not he that took his father's life, but that his father gave his life for Mincayani and his people. It was at this scene that I lost it. Because it is just like Jesus who did not lose his life by the Romans and Jewish leaders, but gave it of His own will by the devine will of His Father in heaven for all of us.
This is how we should go about being missionaries to those we witness to. Be willing to give your life as Christ gave his to share the Gospel in the only way that some can possibly understand the nature of God's word through death.
I encourage you to check out this movie. There is no denomination mentioned in this story which I think is good because it is not about Lutheran truth or Methodist truth or Baptist truth or Catholic truth. This is about God's truth.
There is one caveat, though I think it a small one, but still one that should be explained. The characters of Nate Saint and his son Steve as an adult are played by Actor Chad Allen. Allen was a child actor in many sitcoms and shows in the 80s and who came out of the closet as a gay man. He is an advocate for gay rights especially marriage. When he was cast for the parts the information about his being gay was not known to the director Mart Green or Steve Saint. There is a couple of articles on this at this site: http://www.sharperiron.org/showthread.php?t=2349.
As you will read there was much speculation as to whether to let Chad Allen go or to keep him on as the homosexual lifestyle was not congruent with either Steve Saint or his father Nate.
In the end of course, Chad did play the parts as he was hired to do. I think Chad Allen did a remarkable job and who knows except God and Chad what impact playing these parts had on Chad's life. He certainly knows that they were uncomfortable with his lifestyle choice, but he is a professional actor and it did not come through in his portrayal of these parts.
I am anxious to get the documentary on this story as well as read the book. Missionary life is intriguing to me as I hope someday soon to be one.
I think that we should continue to pray that whatever seed the Lord planted in Chad Allen becomes very fruitful in his life and reveals to him who Jesus Christ really is and what he did for Chad as well as all of us sinners.
January 18, 2006
Tonight my men's bible study will begin a study titled MEN IN THE CHURCH. It is put out by Concordia Publishing House. I am looking forward to this study as I am hoping to show that God meant for men to be the leaders in the church as well as the Spiritual leaders in the home.
I will be posting my thoughts here in the weeks to come of what this study has helped me to learn or has either changed my views or solified my present view. I do not expect comments, but will welcome them.
Pax Christi
Scott Strohkirch a.k.a. Spalatin
January 16, 2006
I don't wish to take away from the celebration of this day by many black people or minorities, but it isn't a holiday that I celebrate. Mostly because I am not black. Don't get me wrong I support those who celebrate the holiday because it is important that we don't discriminate against people because of race in this country. But I don't take the day off from work for it or go to any civil rights rallies or anything like that. I would rather celebrate my daughters' birthdays because they is more important to me as far as anything that has happened in my life to date. They mean much more to me than anything in this world.
I respect those who fight for what they believe in and when they win they should celebrate. However, is the fight for civil rights complete in this country? I am not totally convinced. I believe that when we stop looking at the color of one's skin completely we will have won. In many ways we are still so far off from victory. Even those in the Civil Rights movement would agree. We have won some important battles but the war rages onward.
Martin Luther strived for more Christian Freedom and that was the struggle he fought from Wittenburg to Augsburg.
Let Freedom Ring
January 04, 2006
When I was going through confirmation some 30 years ago I vaguely remember going through the 10 commandments from Luther's Small Catechism. The Pastor and teacher of my confirmation class had typed up a study sheet for us so that we could learn them as well as some key bible verses that we needed to know. I am thinking that I will have them get to know their Catechism booklet a little more. It will be a good review for them when they get to their final year. By the way, catechesis is not just a 2 or 3 year program that the church sets up to graduate children. Catechism is a life-long learning experience that starts out with the parents teaching their children about God, Jesus and the word. Parents should teach their children about Baptism and the Sacrament of the Altar at a young age.
When I went through "confirmation" many of those who went through the class with me left the church afterwards and never returned. They treated it like graduation instead of just another step in understanding their relationship to a loving God. If we don't properly catechize our children they won't stick around afterwards. We need to begin a habit of going to church and sunday school on a regular basis teaching our children that there is no "choice" of going or not going to church. When on vacation we need to find a church to attend so that they will see how serious we need to be to go to church to receive God's blessings.
I hope that these students I have will walk away at the end of this season with a new understanding of what the liturgy is all about as well as a desire to read and get to know the Scriptures and how the Lutheran Confessions is scriptural.
With the help of God will I do this and nothing else.
Pax Christi